Shimona Bhansali, Chief designer and founder of Design hex has been thriving in the world of interiors since 2002, handling her first individual project at age 17. Gaining expertise in business, she completed her management studies in 2005, chose a career in design and has not looked back ever since. While simultaneously pursing interiors, she built a packaging design firm Smartwork Design Co. from scratch to success until she sold it in 2016 to focus on her true passion – interior design.
Our motto is what drives us – we want to create spaces so dreamy and beautiful that you find yourselves lost in them. We want to give book lovers their ceiling high libraries and movie buffs their ‘entertainment centres’. We want employees to never set foot in a drab office again. Everyone deserves to live and work in a space that is true to them. So no matter how tight your budget or how wacky your dream house or how limited your colour palette – we’re here to make it all come true!
Shimona Bhansali